Yellow Bellied Sapsucker |
Yellow Shafted Flicker |
Finally, after a few days of rain, I was able to visit Trolley Bed Road!
When I got out of the car and headed for the pond on Old Ben Sherman
Road, I started two birds. All I could see as they flew away was yellow
flashing from under their wings
Yellow Shafted Flicker |
Wild Iris?? |
Flickers!, I quickly thought but just
wasn't 100% sure. So I decided to walk down Trolley Bed Road with
camera in hand and at the ready. Did not see anything new, so I went
back to where I saw the 'flicker'.
But when I got back to that tree, my hunch was proven correctly. It was a Yellow-Shafted Flicker! (The red-shafted flicker is found west of the Mississippi River).
Besides the Flicker, I also saw: male yellow-bellied sapsucker, great
blue heron, 2 robins, kingfisher, 4 Canadian geese, 3 mallards, turkey
vulture (feeding on the ground), red-winged black birds, grackles, and a
red-shouldered hawk.
Kingfisher |
DATA: 5-5:25pm; 70F; overcast; slight
67) Yellow-Shafted Flicker Kingfisher
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