Friday, October 19, 2012

September 8 - Day 251

Decided to see what was in the wetland area on Trolley Bed Road.  Last year  I saw a green heron there but so far not this year and fall was approaching.  And then again, I have learned to know anything can happen.  So off I went.

When I got there, I quickly saw the 'resident' great blue heron and then started to look around the edges for anything else that might be hunting in the pond.  After looking for a few minutes, I finally saw a Green Heron walking near the edge before it flew off to a more secluded spot in the pond.

So besides the two herons I saw:  30+ starlings, male and female ruby-throated hummingbirds, 6 goldfinches, 3 blue jays, 3 crows, 3 mallards, male red-winged blackbird, a flicker, a female downy woodpecker, and a turkey vulture.

DATA:  3:30-3:55 pm; 79F; overcast with some sun; breezy

Later on that day while at home working on school work, I looked out the window at the feeder and saw a Purple Finch eating at the feeder.

DATA: 5:48pm;  75F; clear; slight wind

87)  Green Heron
88)  Purple Finch

Saturday, October 13, 2012

September 2, 2012 - Day 245

Great Blue Heron
Went to 3 Rivers Park that day to see what might be there since I had not been there in a while.  I did noticed that this year there were no corn stalks like there were last year about this time when I went there.

I did not see anything new to add to my Big Year but did see the following:

crow (2), cardinal (heard), titmouse, mallards (2 f), mourning dove, Canada goose (7), goldfinch (3), chickadee (2), kingfisher (heard), great blue heron, song sparrow, catbird (4), phoebe, house wren.

DATA:  9:55-11:40 am; 72F; cloudy/mostly cloudy; slight/breezy

I then walked across the street to the field and saw bluejay (2), mourning dove, and catbird (2)

DATA:  11:45-11:54 am

Then I decided to see what was at  the old trolley trail behind what used to be the golf driving range and Corey's. 
Broad-winged Hawk

Broad-winged Hawk
I heard a chickadee and goldfinch and saw a titmouse, 3 catbirds, and 3 cardinals (m, f, and 1 immature) and also saw a Broad-winged Hawk - a bird for my Big Year!

DATA:  12:04-12:50pm; 78F; mostly cloudy; calm

86)  Broad-winged Hawk

August 21 to August 27 - Day 233 to Day 239

Common Mergs and Great Egret
Can't believe that I have not posted anythgin since the last week in August - but then again, school started at the end of that week for me.

So for the week I went over to Nonnewaug High School at different times and walked my usual route along the river.  Since I did not see any new birds during this time I won't go into my usual detailed description of time and weather conditions.

A hard to see Cedar Waxwing
What I did see though was:  American goldfinch (m/f), catbird, common mergansers (10), great egret, eastern kingbird, song sparrow, phoebe, belted kingfisher, crow, cardinal, great blue heron, redstart (m/f), turkey vulture, chipping sparrow, hummingbird (f), titmouse, chestnut-sided warbler (f), chickadee, red-tailed hawk, mockingbird, bluejay, mallard (f), bluebird (4), red-bellied woodpecker, and cedar waxwings (4).