Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 125 - May 5, 2012

Wow!  What a day in terms of seeing birds without really trying.  After taking the recyclables to transfer station, I saw a SOLITARY SANDPIPER on South Pomperaug Road.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak #1
Then when I came home, I had a wonderful surprise - a SCARLET TANAGER.  Of course, I did not have my camera with me but I did have my binocs in the car (as I always do).  While I was looking at the tanager, I noticed other birds moving quickly in other trees - the habit of warblers - that is, move quickly to find insects especially in oak trees this time of year.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak #2
So after 10 minutes or so, I saw a total of species of warblers but was only able to recognize 2 male Yellow-Rumpeds and 2 male Yellows.  I am still learning to ID warblers by sight and song and need many more lessons.

Besides those visiting birds, I also saw some permanent birds:  downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, 2 blue jays, male bluebird, 2 titmice and mourning dove.

Finally, before doing some chain-sawing of down limbs from the October snow storm, I checked and saw 5 eggs in the bluebird house and was able to take a few pics of two male rose-breasted grosbeaks.

A nice day for sure.

DATA:  9:55 am for Solitary Sandpiper
            10:20-10:40 am for 'yard' birds; 57F; overcast/misty; calm

60)  Scarlet Tanager

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