male & female Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers |
I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to go today other than going up to Logue's Farm for sure. So as I was driving home, I decided to go down South Pomperaug Road to check out the wetland area. After all, I have learned in birding: "Here today, gone today."
male & female Sapsuckers |
There was nothing in the water so I slowly drove down the road listening for anything - again, I am not good IDing many birds by sound/song. But I did hear a few interesting birds singing so I pulled off the road onto a little dirt spot, got out of car, and started looking. Again, I found myself looking up at trees looking for any movement that would indicate a bird. After a while, I did see a new bird for my Big Year - a male American Redstart. But being a warbler moving from branch to branch in the blink of an eye, and my longest camera lens being a 250 mm (thinking of getting a 2X converter), I could not get any pictures of the redstart.
male Sapsucker |
male Sapsucker |
So off I went to Logue's farm but with a stop at Trolley Bed Road. Wasn't anything new there but I was able to get pictures of both the male and female yellow-bellied sapsuckers from yesterday. The male seemed to be fixing up a hole in a tree to turn it into a nest.
Finally, it was off to Logue's Farm. I parked the car on the side of the road, got out with binoculars and camera, and walked down the road. I did not see anything new there either but I did hear the fluting sound of a Wood Thrush.
DATA: South Pomperaug Road: 3:45-3:55pm; 72F; clear; slight
Trolley Bed Road: 4:14-4:40pm
Logue's Farm: 4:55-5:15pm
65) American Redstart
66) Wood Thrush
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