Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 136 - May 16, 2012

Eastern Kingbird has been a few days of wet weather here, so not much opportunity to look for birds.  But the sky cleared up a bit after school today so I decided to go up to Trolley Bed Road - and as it seems to be, I was not disappointed!

Eastern Kingbird
When I got out of the car and walked to the pond, I saw/heard the usual: red-winged blackbirds, grackles, and starlings.  So I decided to turn the corner and start walking down Trolley Bed Road from Old Sherman Road.  As I started to walk, I saw a woodpecker in a tree BUT it was not as black and white as are downy and hairy woodpeckers.  With a little more looking,before it flew into the trees across the street), I saw that it's sides were barred, not plain, and a bit yellowish.  I had just seen a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker!

I did not see anything new as I walked down Trolley Bed Road, so on the way back to my car I decided to try the trail that leads to the Woodbury Reservoir.  I only checked out the pond that but noticed a bird flying around and then landing on a tree to perch.  After looking at it a few times as it flew and perched, I saw that it had a dark head and white on the bottom of its tail when it perched - a good signal that it is an Eastern Kingbird.  I got some pictures of it but not sure how they came out but will post them if they are good/decent.

DATA:  4-4:30pm; 74F; partly cloudy; humid; calm

63)  Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker
64)  Eastern Kingbird

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