Today I birded Flanders Nature Center. I was there from 9:20-11:55 am. The starting temp was 14F and when I finished the temp was 19F. Sky was clear and a brisk breeze was present now and then. Although I did not see any new birds to add to Big Year list, I did see a crow, 2 chickadees, a titmouse, 3 juncos, 5 blue birds, 3 white throated sparrows, and 1 male cardinal (the red against brown shrubs stood out like a sore thumb).
It has been a while since I really walked Flanders although I worked there as an instructor one summer and have attended a few of their Fall Festivals. The first thing that I noticed while walking were the new trail markers. The were newly painted colored rectangles on trees as well as painted arrows on posts with plastic colored trail maps near by to lead the way. I think I covered every colored trail and even went off trail when I found myself standing below the power line right of way. All along the trails, you can see what the two storms did. There are limbs down, trees snapped, and even an uprooted tree.
Besides looking for birds, I also checked out some stands of evergreens for signs of 'whitewash' - owl fecal matter, but did not find any. But while looking around, I did see spotted wintergreen, club moss (also known as ground pine or Lycopodium), and white birch (peeling white bark not like the non-peeling grey birch bark which is also white).
Although I did not see any new birds, I was able to find some good future spots to find birds when spring gets here - the marsh for ducks and other aquatic birds (an dthe bird blind is still there), the upper pond, shrubby areas for warblers and sparrows, open fields, as well as the Christmas Tree area. Of course, as the weather gets warmer, I'll have to worry about sticking insects, ticks, and plants with thorns.
So even though I did not see any new birds at Flanders, it was good to get out, explore and scope out the place for future dates.
And wouldn't you know! Once I got home, warmed up, ate, and sit down to start writing this, I see two new birds at home!
At 1:42pm with clear skies, a decent breeze, and 9F temps, I saw a Carolina wren at the feeder.
At 3:45pm with clear skies, still the breeze, and 10F temps, there were a male and female house finch at the feeder.
Also need to note: I saw at least 6 birds in our cedar tree hopping around feeding. I am thinking there were Cedar Waxwings - since I have had them here before in that tree acting the same way - but the sun was right behind them so I cold not any good looks with binoculars.
Go figure!
So, total is now:
23) Carolina Wren 1
24) House Finch 2
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