Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 92 - April 1, 2012

I decided to bird today at the Whittemore Sanctuary which I did back on January 29th.  This time, I started the day  going clockwise on the White Trail.  I started at 9:25 am with mostly cloudy skies at 44F.

Skunk Cabbage
 I was hoping to see Pine Warblers, Palm Warblers, and owls today, so pine trees were my focused.  It did not take me long to realize that I was looking up at pine trees so often that I knew how it feels to be a flounder under water!

 I did see lots of nests in those pine/evergreen trees, but whether those nests were owls, hawks, or squirrels and abandoned or being used, I have no idea - but there were lots of them!

Shagbark Hickory
So from 9:25 until 11:45, I did not see any warblers but did see (2) Goldfinches, a Downy Woodpecker, Robin, Phoebe, White breasted Nuthatch, a hawk of some type and heard a Titmouse.  Then it happened!

At 11:45, I heard "Who cooks for you?  Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?"  After letting the chill run through my body, I determined where the sound was coming from - a stand of evergreens to the left of where I was.  So I left the trail (shhhhhhh) and went to the stand to see if I can find the Barred Owl that called.  I tried to keep an eye on the trees in case it flew but I had to look down a few times to make my way around fallen trees and branches (and deer pellets which made me realize that I did not put any tick repellent on but will check when I shower for ticks).  But alas, I could not find the owl.
Grey Birch

On my way back to the entrance, I did see two Mute Swans fly over head (another Big Year bird to go along with the Barred Owl) and two chickadees.

When I finished my day, it was 1:35 pm, the sky had become overcast with occasional breezes, and the air warmed up to 51F.

Woodpecker Holes

  I decided to check out Trolley Bed Road on the way home.  See the next Post for that.

Amphibian (Frog/Salamander) Eggs

 So, my Big Year count is now:

38)  Barred Owl
39)  Mute Swan

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