Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 120 - April 29, 2012 - PART 1

I started the day by first stopping at Trolley Bed Road.  There wasn't anything new there except for a Sandpiper of some type.  But since I did not have my spotting scope with me, I could not tell in my binocs what kind of sandpiper it was.  Oh well.  Need to bring scope with me even if I leave it in the car when I do not need it for birding.

What I did see were:  male and female Hooded Merganser, Mockingbird, Song Sparrow, Grackles, Red-Winged Blackbirds, Robins, Downy Woodpecker and the unknown Sandpiper.

DATA: 8:30-8:56am; 44F; clear; calm

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 115 - April 24, 2012

Male Wood Duck w/ Hoodie in back
I hope I will never stop being amazed with nature and Birding.  The other day I saw a male and female Hooded Merganser in the pond on Trolley Bed Road but I did not have my camera with me.  So today I decided to go back to that pond with my camera so I can take pictures of the Hoodies.

While I scanned the pond with my binoculars for the Hoodies I was pleasantly surprised to see a male and female Wood Duck in the pond - bird #47!  I took a few pictures but the male Wood Duck was too far to get a good shot of it but I am posting one here anyways.

Downy Woodpecker
 Besides the Hoodie and Woodies, I also saw Grackles, Starlings, Red-Winged Blackbirds, 2 Turkey Vultures, a Canada Goose, a Red-Shouldered Hawk, a Downy Woodpecker and a Mockingbird.

Not bad for a pleasant surprise.

DATA:  3:45-4:05pm; 59F; overcast; slight

47) Wood Duck

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 111 - April 20, 2012

While doing a little school work on the computer, I looked out the window and say my first Chipping Sparrow of the year!

DATA:  3:58pm; 68F; partly cloudy; slight

46)  Chipping Sparrow

Day 111 - April 20, 2012


 I have not done any birding here in CT the last few days because I spent some of my April vacation birding in the Cape     May, NJ area. 

Mute Swan
Red-Winged Blackbird
   Since those birds do not count towards my Big Year, I won't mention them here.

Tree Swallow
However, I did take pictures of as many birds as I could that I saw.  Some of those pictures were of birds I have seen here in Woodbury but was not able to take pictures of them.  So I figured I would post pictures of those 'Jersey' birds here.

Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 102 - April 11, 2012

I decided to stop at what is becoming an interesting spot for me - Trolley Bed Road.  I decided to check out what I could see in the pond as well as both sides of the road itself.  It did not take me long to  see a male and female Hooded Merganser nor a Great Blue Heron in the pond.  I wish I had my camera!!!  There were also numerous Red-Winged Blackbirds and Grackles in the trees.

As I started to walk down Trolley Bed Road towards Route 64, I scared a Red-Shouldered Hawk out of a tree which then flew to another tree intently looking down into the pond for food, I am assuming.  I looked at the lawn of the house on the corner and saw 10 Starlings and 5 Robins.  Then 5 Canada Geese flew over head. 

Then I heard 'it'!  A high call.  I looked up and saw a distinctive wing shape as the bird flew overhead - somewhat sickle shaped or a swept backed curve - is the best way I can describe it.  A Killdeer!  It circled around a few times and then it flew off.  Bird # 45 for my Big Year.

On the way back to my car, I saw 2 Palm Warblers in the bushes where I had seen that Mockingbird earlier in the year.  I checked out the pond once again and saw ripples in the water.  I looked at the spot where the ripples originated from and saw either a Muskrat or Beaver.  he animal stopped in the water and at that moment the Red Shouldered Hawk bounced onto the water but flew off empty handed.  What a picture that would have been!

 So I go into my car and as I drove down Trolley Bed Road, I saw a Mockingbird in the usual place as well as some kind of woodpecker in a tree.

Not bad for a quick stop.

DATA:  5:30-6:00 pm; 55F; Cloudy; Slight to Moderate Breeze

45)  Killdeer

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 98 - April 7, 2012

After taking recyclables and trash to the Transfer Station, I decided to drive up to the upper area where leaves and sometimes discarded Christmas trees are 'dumped'.  Towards the edge of this area, one can look down at a pond that is there.  This is the same place I checked out back on January 7 and during the 2011 Christmas Bird Count where I saw a Belted Kingfisher.

Well, today I was very surprised.  When I got to the edge to look down onto the pond, I saw 5 Great Blue Herons!  While looking around some more and into the trees, I saw more of them on nests in other trees.  Actually, in one tree there were three nests and a heron on each nest making me think I was looking at a "heron-condominium".  In total, I saw 11 herons.

I also saw a Kingfisher, three Red-Tailed Hawks circling above me, three Goldfinches, two Red-Winged Blackbirds, and 4 Barn Swallows (a Big Year bird).

Data:  10:05-10:25am; 49F; sunny; calm/slight

44)  Tree Swallow (I misidentified them as Barn Swallow but observed again on 4/21/2012 as tree swallows)

Day 97 - April 6, 2012 Part 2

Yellow Rumped Warbler
 I continued to walk around the lower field to see what I could find.  What I saw, in terms of birds, I have seen already this year until I got the graveled parking lot near the tennis courts.  There I saw another warbler - a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.  Judging from its color - or lack of yellow on its throat - I would say it is a young male.  But the bird seemed to pose for me as I took pictures of it showing off its yellow rump! 
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Red-Tailed Hawk
 Besides the two warblers, I also saw a Red-Tailed Hawk being chased by a few crows, Turkey Vulture, Song Sparrows, Juncos, Titmouse, Chickadees, female Bluebird, and heard a White-Throated Sparrow.

Horse Close Up

 Not bad for what started out to be just a stroll.

Data:  1:00 - 2:45pm; 50F; sunny; calm.slight/gusts

42)  Palm Warbler
43)  Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Day 97 - April 6, 2012 Part 1

What I thought was going to be a little stroll to get out of the house and take a break from grading, turned out to be a very productive hike.  I decided to go over to Nonnewaug High School and see what I can find - but I also brought my camera in case I did see something.

Common Mergansers
My stroll started with a Robin and two male Cardinals.  I did not see anything else until I got down by the River that runs near the sports fields.  That's where/when I saw a male and female Common Merganser swimming back and forth in the River. I also saw a male and female Mallard swimming in the same River a little further up stream from the Mergs.

It was along the River that a bird caught my eye.  I saw it flying around into a bush and caught the sight of yellow on the bird's breast which quickly made me think - warbler!  And sure enough, the bird stopped long enough from its activities to let me see that it was a Palm Warbler and allow me to take a few shots of it.  And it is a new bird for my Big Year! 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 92: Part 2 - April 1, 2012

After leaving Whittemore, I decided to see what was on Trolley Bed Road as I drove home.  As I drove down Trolley Bed Road, I saw a hawk in the tree and a Great Blue Heron in the water.  So I parked the car and got out to take a few pictures.

 Besides some nice shots of the Heron, I also saw a Common Grackle (Big Year Bird) and heard/saw many Red-Winged Blackbirds.

Red-Shouldered Hawk
Red-Shouldered Hawk
On my way back down Trolley Bed Road, I decided to park the car and take a few pictures of the hawk that I mentioned earlier.  Not being good at telling hawks apart, I thought the hawk was a Red-Tailed Hawk which I have already on my Big Year list.  But then the hawk, took off and flew almost overhead so I was able to take a picture of it and as I looked at it through the camera's eyepiece, I was certain I was seeing a Red-Shouldered Hawk.  When I got home, I compared the picture I took with my newest bird book - The Crossley Guide to Eastern Birds - and sure enough, it was a Red-Shouldered Hawk!
Red-Shouldered Hawk
Song Sparrow

DATA:  1:40-1:58pm; 51F; overcast

So now my Big Year totals are:

40)  Common Grackle
41)  Red-Shouldered Hawk

Day 92 - April 1, 2012

I decided to bird today at the Whittemore Sanctuary which I did back on January 29th.  This time, I started the day  going clockwise on the White Trail.  I started at 9:25 am with mostly cloudy skies at 44F.

Skunk Cabbage
 I was hoping to see Pine Warblers, Palm Warblers, and owls today, so pine trees were my focused.  It did not take me long to realize that I was looking up at pine trees so often that I knew how it feels to be a flounder under water!

 I did see lots of nests in those pine/evergreen trees, but whether those nests were owls, hawks, or squirrels and abandoned or being used, I have no idea - but there were lots of them!

Shagbark Hickory
So from 9:25 until 11:45, I did not see any warblers but did see (2) Goldfinches, a Downy Woodpecker, Robin, Phoebe, White breasted Nuthatch, a hawk of some type and heard a Titmouse.  Then it happened!

At 11:45, I heard "Who cooks for you?  Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you all?"  After letting the chill run through my body, I determined where the sound was coming from - a stand of evergreens to the left of where I was.  So I left the trail (shhhhhhh) and went to the stand to see if I can find the Barred Owl that called.  I tried to keep an eye on the trees in case it flew but I had to look down a few times to make my way around fallen trees and branches (and deer pellets which made me realize that I did not put any tick repellent on but will check when I shower for ticks).  But alas, I could not find the owl.
Grey Birch

On my way back to the entrance, I did see two Mute Swans fly over head (another Big Year bird to go along with the Barred Owl) and two chickadees.

When I finished my day, it was 1:35 pm, the sky had become overcast with occasional breezes, and the air warmed up to 51F.

Woodpecker Holes

  I decided to check out Trolley Bed Road on the way home.  See the next Post for that.

Amphibian (Frog/Salamander) Eggs

 So, my Big Year count is now:

38)  Barred Owl
39)  Mute Swan