Today was the Woodbury-Roxbury Audubon Christmas Bird Count. Steven Ferrari and I covered Area 'N' of the count which covers Route 6 to Quassapaug Road and Middle Road turnpike to Route 64. So the Area covers parts of Woodbury and Middlebury.
We had a full day of birding (10 hours) and here's what we saw:
Canada Goose (295), Mute Swan (2), Mallard (16), Ring-Necked Duck (14), Great Blue Heron (2), Red-Shouldered Hawk (1), Red-Tailed Hawk (1), Herring Gull (1), Mourning Dove (75), Belted Kingfisher (2), Red-Bellied Woodpecker (2), Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker (2), Downy Woodpecker (8), Hairy Woodpecker (2), Blue Jay (1), Crow (124), Black-Capped Chickadee (26), Titmouse (18), White-Breasted Nuthatch (7), Carolina Wren (1), Golden-Crowned Kinglet (1), Bluebird (1), Robin (2), Mockingbird (1), Starling (60), Song Sparrow (5), White-Throated Sparrow (7), Junco (59), Cardinal (7), Red-Winged Blackbird (12), Common Grackle (22), House Finch (5), Goldfinch (5), House Sparrow (14), Bufflehead (4), and Canvasback (1)
DATA: 6:00 am - 4:00 pm; 34F/41F; Clear; Calm
97) Bufflehead
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Novemeber 18, 2012 - Day 322 (PART 1)
Red-Breasted Nuthatch |
Owl Pellet |
I decided to start on the WHITE TRAIL clockwise then go to the YELLOW to BLUE to an UNNAMED and finally back onto the WHITE TRAIL.
Pellet Closeup |
Second Pellet |
Feather |
Other Side of Feather |
Chickadee |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch (on ground) |
DATA: 9:35 am-12:48pm; 34/54F; Clear/Partly Cloudy; Slight Breeze
White-Breasted Nuthatch |
96) Red-Breasted Nuthatch
November 18, 2012 - Day 322 (PART 2)
October 22, 2012 - Day 295
Went to one of my favorite places - the pond on Trolley Bed Road, and once again I was not disappointed. But I know time is running out.
I was still trying to use the information I learned from the COA Sparrow workshop but those little things move so fast that it is hard to keep up with them.
However, I was able to ID a Fox Sparrow but the other sparrows I saw had to stay unidentified.
I also saw a yellowish green bird with a white eye ring with black and white on wings which I IDed as a Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher.
DATA: 3:10-3:25pm; 68F; clear; calm
94) Fox Sparrow
95) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
I was still trying to use the information I learned from the COA Sparrow workshop but those little things move so fast that it is hard to keep up with them.
However, I was able to ID a Fox Sparrow but the other sparrows I saw had to stay unidentified.
I also saw a yellowish green bird with a white eye ring with black and white on wings which I IDed as a Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher.
DATA: 3:10-3:25pm; 68F; clear; calm
94) Fox Sparrow
95) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
October 21, 2012 - Day 294
After attending the COA Sparrow Workshop, I was hoping to try my luck at the old Corey's/Golf Driving Range. Although the area has had two structures built on it, it is still mostly disturbed and weedy - good habitat for sparrows with places to hide and seeds!
However, my hopes of finding any new species for my Big Year went unfulfilled. But I was outside and walking so it was a good day.
Species: Canada Goose (65 in one fly-over), House Finch, Mockingbird, Song Sparrow, Junco, Hairy Woodpecker, Turkey Vulture, Crow, Blue Jay, and Chickadee.
DATA: 9:45-10:44pm; 49/58F; clear; breezy gusts
However, my hopes of finding any new species for my Big Year went unfulfilled. But I was outside and walking so it was a good day.
Species: Canada Goose (65 in one fly-over), House Finch, Mockingbird, Song Sparrow, Junco, Hairy Woodpecker, Turkey Vulture, Crow, Blue Jay, and Chickadee.
DATA: 9:45-10:44pm; 49/58F; clear; breezy gusts
October 20, 2012 - Day 293
Since the birds seen today were seen in Wilton, they will not count towards my Big Year.
DATA: 8:00-11:00am; 68F; foggy/sunny; calm
October 16, 2012 - Day 289
Went to Nonnewaug High School today to see what might be there and to see how the area changes over the seasons (thinking of doing a year of birding at Nonnewaug next year - it's close by and has a lot to offer in terms of habitats for birds.)
Species Seen: Cedar Waxwings (3), Crows (7), Cardinal (male), Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Warbler (2/female).
DATA: 3:00-5:00pm; 58F; clear; breezy
93) Pine Warbler
Species Seen: Cedar Waxwings (3), Crows (7), Cardinal (male), Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Warbler (2/female).
DATA: 3:00-5:00pm; 58F; clear; breezy
93) Pine Warbler
October 8, 2012 - Day 281
Decided to check out the Hollow after school. I knew not many warblers will be around now since their migration had begun but I figured to give it a try anyways.
Besides the 'regs', I did see a Black and White Warbler as well as a Brown Creeper which I noticed climbing up a tree while looking at another bird! I also saw a yellowish bird, with black strips on its side, a white belly, and an eye ring which I need to look up in my books.
Species seen: Golfinch, Chickadee (2), Mournign Dove, Great Blue Heron, Titmosue, hairy Woodpecker (male), Crow, Blue Jay, Phoebe, House Wren, Catbird, White-Throated Sparrows (6), Cardinal, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Black and White Warbler, and Brown Creeper.
DATA: 3:42-4:35pm; 58F; cloudy; calm
91) Black & White Warbler
92) Brown Creeper
Besides the 'regs', I did see a Black and White Warbler as well as a Brown Creeper which I noticed climbing up a tree while looking at another bird! I also saw a yellowish bird, with black strips on its side, a white belly, and an eye ring which I need to look up in my books.
Species seen: Golfinch, Chickadee (2), Mournign Dove, Great Blue Heron, Titmosue, hairy Woodpecker (male), Crow, Blue Jay, Phoebe, House Wren, Catbird, White-Throated Sparrows (6), Cardinal, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Black and White Warbler, and Brown Creeper.
DATA: 3:42-4:35pm; 58F; cloudy; calm
91) Black & White Warbler
92) Brown Creeper
Saturday, November 24, 2012
October 6, 2012 - Day 279
Had a Pine Siskin at the hopper feeder in the yard today.
DATA: 11:05 am; 68F; mostly cloudy; calm
90) Pine Siskin
DATA: 11:05 am; 68F; mostly cloudy; calm
90) Pine Siskin
September 23, 2012 - Day 266
There was also a Raptor Demonstration as well as Monarch Butterfly Banding.
Birds seen: Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Bald Eagle, Osprey, Cooper Hawk, and Peregrine Falcon
DATA: 10:00 - 11:00 am; 72F; clear/mostly clear; slight
September 17, 2012 - Day 260
After going to Central Park to bird, I decided to check at Nonnewaug High School after school to see if there were any birds passing through on their migration.
So I walked along the river near the lower field and over to the garden area across the foot bridge.
I did not see anything new EXCEPT for a female Blackburnian Warbler - bird #89 for my Big Year!
Other birds I saw were: Blue jay, Phoebe, Crow, Catbird. Chickadee (2), Goldfinch, Titmouse (2), White-Breasted Nuthatch, Turkey Vulture (5), and the Blackburnian.
DATA: 3:00 - 4:45 pm; 70F; sunny/mostly clear; calm/slight
89) Blackburnian Warbler
So I walked along the river near the lower field and over to the garden area across the foot bridge.
I did not see anything new EXCEPT for a female Blackburnian Warbler - bird #89 for my Big Year!
Other birds I saw were: Blue jay, Phoebe, Crow, Catbird. Chickadee (2), Goldfinch, Titmouse (2), White-Breasted Nuthatch, Turkey Vulture (5), and the Blackburnian.
DATA: 3:00 - 4:45 pm; 70F; sunny/mostly clear; calm/slight
89) Blackburnian Warbler
September 15, 2012 - Day 258
Starr and I (Thanks Belinda for pic) |
Manhattan skyline |
butterfly |
Mockingbird |
turtle |
Black and White Warbler |
turtles |
female Mallard |
Black and White Warbler |
Some of the birds I saw will be added to my life list as well as my yearly list - I know, I have too many lists!
House Sparrow |
Pigeon |
DATA: 7:30 - 11:00 am; 65F-72F; Clear; Calm to Slight Breeze
Friday, October 19, 2012
September 8 - Day 251
Decided to see what was in the wetland area on Trolley Bed Road. Last year I saw a green heron there but so far not this year and fall was approaching. And then again, I have learned to know anything can happen. So off I went.
When I got there, I quickly saw the 'resident' great blue heron and then started to look around the edges for anything else that might be hunting in the pond. After looking for a few minutes, I finally saw a Green Heron walking near the edge before it flew off to a more secluded spot in the pond.
So besides the two herons I saw: 30+ starlings, male and female ruby-throated hummingbirds, 6 goldfinches, 3 blue jays, 3 crows, 3 mallards, male red-winged blackbird, a flicker, a female downy woodpecker, and a turkey vulture.
DATA: 3:30-3:55 pm; 79F; overcast with some sun; breezy
Later on that day while at home working on school work, I looked out the window at the feeder and saw a Purple Finch eating at the feeder.
DATA: 5:48pm; 75F; clear; slight wind
87) Green Heron
88) Purple Finch
When I got there, I quickly saw the 'resident' great blue heron and then started to look around the edges for anything else that might be hunting in the pond. After looking for a few minutes, I finally saw a Green Heron walking near the edge before it flew off to a more secluded spot in the pond.
So besides the two herons I saw: 30+ starlings, male and female ruby-throated hummingbirds, 6 goldfinches, 3 blue jays, 3 crows, 3 mallards, male red-winged blackbird, a flicker, a female downy woodpecker, and a turkey vulture.
DATA: 3:30-3:55 pm; 79F; overcast with some sun; breezy
Later on that day while at home working on school work, I looked out the window at the feeder and saw a Purple Finch eating at the feeder.
DATA: 5:48pm; 75F; clear; slight wind
87) Green Heron
88) Purple Finch
Saturday, October 13, 2012
September 2, 2012 - Day 245
Great Blue Heron |
Phoebe |
I did not see anything new to add to my Big Year but did see the following:
crow (2), cardinal (heard), titmouse, mallards (2 f), mourning dove, Canada goose (7), goldfinch (3), chickadee (2), kingfisher (heard), great blue heron, song sparrow, catbird (4), phoebe, house wren.
DATA: 9:55-11:40 am; 72F; cloudy/mostly cloudy; slight/breezy
butterfly |
DATA: 11:45-11:54 am
Then I decided to see what was at the old trolley trail behind what used to be the golf driving range and Corey's.
Broad-winged Hawk |
Broad-winged Hawk |
DATA: 12:04-12:50pm; 78F; mostly cloudy; calm
86) Broad-winged Hawk
August 21 to August 27 - Day 233 to Day 239
Common Mergs and Great Egret |
So for the week I went over to Nonnewaug High School at different times and walked my usual route along the river. Since I did not see any new birds during this time I won't go into my usual detailed description of time and weather conditions.
A hard to see Cedar Waxwing |
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Day 232 - August 20, 2012
Having not seen the chat and to list each day individually would be a bit 'over kill'. So I will list what I have seen and then mention what I saw today!
So from August 3rd to August 17th, I saw the following species:
Robin, Goldfinch (m/f), Phoebe, Crow, Catbird, Kingbird (3), Song Sparrow, Kingfisher, House Wren, Yellow Warbler (m/f), Chickadee, Veery (heard), possible White-Throated Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cowbird (f), Turkey Vulture, Titmouse, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Red-Tailed Hawk, Blue Jay, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (f) and cardinal (m).
So today, I just figured I would see the normal species like I had in the last 2 weeks or so. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Great Egret following the river from the track area heading towards Middle Road Turnpike where it landed a bank of the river.
And there I saw it - going from the track fence to the ground back to the fence to the ground then to a bush - an Empidonax Flycatcher! But which one?! Since it was not calling and their coloration is very similar to one another at this time of year, I will just put it down as an Empidonax sp. until I can get a good picture of it and some help IDing the bird.
Besides the Great Egret and 'Empi', I alo saw: Catbird (5), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (4), Crow (2), Common Mergansers (9) and Hummingbird.
DATA: 2:25 - 4:38pm; 75F; partly cloudy (cumulus clouds); calm
84) Great Egret
85) Empidonax Flycatcher
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