Today was the Woodbury-Roxbury Audubon Christmas Bird Count. Steven Ferrari and I covered Area 'N' of the count which covers Route 6 to Quassapaug Road and Middle Road turnpike to Route 64. So the Area covers parts of Woodbury and Middlebury.
We had a full day of birding (10 hours) and here's what we saw:
Canada Goose (295), Mute Swan (2), Mallard (16), Ring-Necked Duck (14), Great Blue Heron (2), Red-Shouldered Hawk (1), Red-Tailed Hawk (1), Herring Gull (1), Mourning Dove (75), Belted Kingfisher (2), Red-Bellied Woodpecker (2), Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker (2), Downy Woodpecker (8), Hairy Woodpecker (2), Blue Jay (1), Crow (124), Black-Capped Chickadee (26), Titmouse (18), White-Breasted Nuthatch (7), Carolina Wren (1), Golden-Crowned Kinglet (1), Bluebird (1), Robin (2), Mockingbird (1), Starling (60), Song Sparrow (5), White-Throated Sparrow (7), Junco (59), Cardinal (7), Red-Winged Blackbird (12), Common Grackle (22), House Finch (5), Goldfinch (5), House Sparrow (14), Bufflehead (4), and Canvasback (1)
DATA: 6:00 am - 4:00 pm; 34F/41F; Clear; Calm
97) Bufflehead
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Novemeber 18, 2012 - Day 322 (PART 1)
Red-Breasted Nuthatch |
Owl Pellet |
I decided to start on the WHITE TRAIL clockwise then go to the YELLOW to BLUE to an UNNAMED and finally back onto the WHITE TRAIL.
Pellet Closeup |
Second Pellet |
Feather |
Other Side of Feather |
Chickadee |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch (on ground) |
DATA: 9:35 am-12:48pm; 34/54F; Clear/Partly Cloudy; Slight Breeze
White-Breasted Nuthatch |
96) Red-Breasted Nuthatch
November 18, 2012 - Day 322 (PART 2)
October 22, 2012 - Day 295
Went to one of my favorite places - the pond on Trolley Bed Road, and once again I was not disappointed. But I know time is running out.
I was still trying to use the information I learned from the COA Sparrow workshop but those little things move so fast that it is hard to keep up with them.
However, I was able to ID a Fox Sparrow but the other sparrows I saw had to stay unidentified.
I also saw a yellowish green bird with a white eye ring with black and white on wings which I IDed as a Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher.
DATA: 3:10-3:25pm; 68F; clear; calm
94) Fox Sparrow
95) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
I was still trying to use the information I learned from the COA Sparrow workshop but those little things move so fast that it is hard to keep up with them.
However, I was able to ID a Fox Sparrow but the other sparrows I saw had to stay unidentified.
I also saw a yellowish green bird with a white eye ring with black and white on wings which I IDed as a Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher.
DATA: 3:10-3:25pm; 68F; clear; calm
94) Fox Sparrow
95) Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
October 21, 2012 - Day 294
After attending the COA Sparrow Workshop, I was hoping to try my luck at the old Corey's/Golf Driving Range. Although the area has had two structures built on it, it is still mostly disturbed and weedy - good habitat for sparrows with places to hide and seeds!
However, my hopes of finding any new species for my Big Year went unfulfilled. But I was outside and walking so it was a good day.
Species: Canada Goose (65 in one fly-over), House Finch, Mockingbird, Song Sparrow, Junco, Hairy Woodpecker, Turkey Vulture, Crow, Blue Jay, and Chickadee.
DATA: 9:45-10:44pm; 49/58F; clear; breezy gusts
However, my hopes of finding any new species for my Big Year went unfulfilled. But I was outside and walking so it was a good day.
Species: Canada Goose (65 in one fly-over), House Finch, Mockingbird, Song Sparrow, Junco, Hairy Woodpecker, Turkey Vulture, Crow, Blue Jay, and Chickadee.
DATA: 9:45-10:44pm; 49/58F; clear; breezy gusts
October 20, 2012 - Day 293
Went on a COA (Connecticut Ornithological Association) workshop to Allen's Meadow in Wilton, CT. Even the workshop stressed sparrows, other birds were seen as well.
Since the birds seen today were seen in Wilton, they will not count towards my Big Year.
Species Seen: Sparrows - Song, Savannah, Vesper, Clay-Colored, Swamp, White- Crowned (juv); Pileated Woodpecker (male & female), Cedar Waxwing (20), Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren (2), Blue Jay, Pine Siskin, Crow, Starling (5), Great Blue Heron, Bluebird (5), Junco, Purple Finch, Meadowlark, Turkey Vulture (5), Broad-Winged Hawk, and Palm Warbler.
DATA: 8:00-11:00am; 68F; foggy/sunny; calm
Since the birds seen today were seen in Wilton, they will not count towards my Big Year.
Species Seen: Sparrows - Song, Savannah, Vesper, Clay-Colored, Swamp, White- Crowned (juv); Pileated Woodpecker (male & female), Cedar Waxwing (20), Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren (2), Blue Jay, Pine Siskin, Crow, Starling (5), Great Blue Heron, Bluebird (5), Junco, Purple Finch, Meadowlark, Turkey Vulture (5), Broad-Winged Hawk, and Palm Warbler.
DATA: 8:00-11:00am; 68F; foggy/sunny; calm
October 16, 2012 - Day 289
Went to Nonnewaug High School today to see what might be there and to see how the area changes over the seasons (thinking of doing a year of birding at Nonnewaug next year - it's close by and has a lot to offer in terms of habitats for birds.)
Species Seen: Cedar Waxwings (3), Crows (7), Cardinal (male), Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Warbler (2/female).
DATA: 3:00-5:00pm; 58F; clear; breezy
93) Pine Warbler
Species Seen: Cedar Waxwings (3), Crows (7), Cardinal (male), Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Downy Woodpecker, Pine Warbler (2/female).
DATA: 3:00-5:00pm; 58F; clear; breezy
93) Pine Warbler
October 8, 2012 - Day 281
Decided to check out the Hollow after school. I knew not many warblers will be around now since their migration had begun but I figured to give it a try anyways.
Besides the 'regs', I did see a Black and White Warbler as well as a Brown Creeper which I noticed climbing up a tree while looking at another bird! I also saw a yellowish bird, with black strips on its side, a white belly, and an eye ring which I need to look up in my books.
Species seen: Golfinch, Chickadee (2), Mournign Dove, Great Blue Heron, Titmosue, hairy Woodpecker (male), Crow, Blue Jay, Phoebe, House Wren, Catbird, White-Throated Sparrows (6), Cardinal, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Black and White Warbler, and Brown Creeper.
DATA: 3:42-4:35pm; 58F; cloudy; calm
91) Black & White Warbler
92) Brown Creeper
Besides the 'regs', I did see a Black and White Warbler as well as a Brown Creeper which I noticed climbing up a tree while looking at another bird! I also saw a yellowish bird, with black strips on its side, a white belly, and an eye ring which I need to look up in my books.
Species seen: Golfinch, Chickadee (2), Mournign Dove, Great Blue Heron, Titmosue, hairy Woodpecker (male), Crow, Blue Jay, Phoebe, House Wren, Catbird, White-Throated Sparrows (6), Cardinal, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Black and White Warbler, and Brown Creeper.
DATA: 3:42-4:35pm; 58F; cloudy; calm
91) Black & White Warbler
92) Brown Creeper
Saturday, November 24, 2012
October 6, 2012 - Day 279
Had a Pine Siskin at the hopper feeder in the yard today.
DATA: 11:05 am; 68F; mostly cloudy; calm
90) Pine Siskin
DATA: 11:05 am; 68F; mostly cloudy; calm
90) Pine Siskin
September 23, 2012 - Day 266
Today I went to the Migration Festival at Light House Point State Park in New Haven. Just like Central Park, none of the birds I saw today will count towards my Big Year. But the more times I get to see birds, the better I will become in identifying them more in the future.
There was also a Raptor Demonstration as well as Monarch Butterfly Banding.
Birds seen: Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Bald Eagle, Osprey, Cooper Hawk, and Peregrine Falcon
DATA: 10:00 - 11:00 am; 72F; clear/mostly clear; slight
There was also a Raptor Demonstration as well as Monarch Butterfly Banding.
Birds seen: Sharp-Shinned Hawk, Bald Eagle, Osprey, Cooper Hawk, and Peregrine Falcon
DATA: 10:00 - 11:00 am; 72F; clear/mostly clear; slight
September 17, 2012 - Day 260
After going to Central Park to bird, I decided to check at Nonnewaug High School after school to see if there were any birds passing through on their migration.
So I walked along the river near the lower field and over to the garden area across the foot bridge.
I did not see anything new EXCEPT for a female Blackburnian Warbler - bird #89 for my Big Year!
Other birds I saw were: Blue jay, Phoebe, Crow, Catbird. Chickadee (2), Goldfinch, Titmouse (2), White-Breasted Nuthatch, Turkey Vulture (5), and the Blackburnian.
DATA: 3:00 - 4:45 pm; 70F; sunny/mostly clear; calm/slight
89) Blackburnian Warbler
So I walked along the river near the lower field and over to the garden area across the foot bridge.
I did not see anything new EXCEPT for a female Blackburnian Warbler - bird #89 for my Big Year!
Other birds I saw were: Blue jay, Phoebe, Crow, Catbird. Chickadee (2), Goldfinch, Titmouse (2), White-Breasted Nuthatch, Turkey Vulture (5), and the Blackburnian.
DATA: 3:00 - 4:45 pm; 70F; sunny/mostly clear; calm/slight
89) Blackburnian Warbler
September 15, 2012 - Day 258
Starr and I (Thanks Belinda for pic) |
Manhattan skyline |
butterfly |
Mockingbird |
turtle |
Black and White Warbler |
turtles |
female Mallard |
Black and White Warbler |
Some of the birds I saw will be added to my life list as well as my yearly list - I know, I have too many lists!
House Sparrow |
Pigeon |
DATA: 7:30 - 11:00 am; 65F-72F; Clear; Calm to Slight Breeze
Friday, October 19, 2012
September 8 - Day 251
Decided to see what was in the wetland area on Trolley Bed Road. Last year I saw a green heron there but so far not this year and fall was approaching. And then again, I have learned to know anything can happen. So off I went.
When I got there, I quickly saw the 'resident' great blue heron and then started to look around the edges for anything else that might be hunting in the pond. After looking for a few minutes, I finally saw a Green Heron walking near the edge before it flew off to a more secluded spot in the pond.
So besides the two herons I saw: 30+ starlings, male and female ruby-throated hummingbirds, 6 goldfinches, 3 blue jays, 3 crows, 3 mallards, male red-winged blackbird, a flicker, a female downy woodpecker, and a turkey vulture.
DATA: 3:30-3:55 pm; 79F; overcast with some sun; breezy
Later on that day while at home working on school work, I looked out the window at the feeder and saw a Purple Finch eating at the feeder.
DATA: 5:48pm; 75F; clear; slight wind
87) Green Heron
88) Purple Finch
When I got there, I quickly saw the 'resident' great blue heron and then started to look around the edges for anything else that might be hunting in the pond. After looking for a few minutes, I finally saw a Green Heron walking near the edge before it flew off to a more secluded spot in the pond.
So besides the two herons I saw: 30+ starlings, male and female ruby-throated hummingbirds, 6 goldfinches, 3 blue jays, 3 crows, 3 mallards, male red-winged blackbird, a flicker, a female downy woodpecker, and a turkey vulture.
DATA: 3:30-3:55 pm; 79F; overcast with some sun; breezy
Later on that day while at home working on school work, I looked out the window at the feeder and saw a Purple Finch eating at the feeder.
DATA: 5:48pm; 75F; clear; slight wind
87) Green Heron
88) Purple Finch
Saturday, October 13, 2012
September 2, 2012 - Day 245
Great Blue Heron |
Phoebe |
I did not see anything new to add to my Big Year but did see the following:
crow (2), cardinal (heard), titmouse, mallards (2 f), mourning dove, Canada goose (7), goldfinch (3), chickadee (2), kingfisher (heard), great blue heron, song sparrow, catbird (4), phoebe, house wren.
DATA: 9:55-11:40 am; 72F; cloudy/mostly cloudy; slight/breezy
butterfly |
DATA: 11:45-11:54 am
Then I decided to see what was at the old trolley trail behind what used to be the golf driving range and Corey's.
Broad-winged Hawk |
Broad-winged Hawk |
DATA: 12:04-12:50pm; 78F; mostly cloudy; calm
86) Broad-winged Hawk
August 21 to August 27 - Day 233 to Day 239
Common Mergs and Great Egret |
So for the week I went over to Nonnewaug High School at different times and walked my usual route along the river. Since I did not see any new birds during this time I won't go into my usual detailed description of time and weather conditions.
A hard to see Cedar Waxwing |
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Day 232 - August 20, 2012
To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Birding is like a box of chocolate - you never know what ya going to see". And so it has been with me and Nonnewaug High School. I have been going down there almost every day since I saw that Chat - weather permitting - at different times.
Having not seen the chat and to list each day individually would be a bit 'over kill'. So I will list what I have seen and then mention what I saw today!
So from August 3rd to August 17th, I saw the following species:
Robin, Goldfinch (m/f), Phoebe, Crow, Catbird, Kingbird (3), Song Sparrow, Kingfisher, House Wren, Yellow Warbler (m/f), Chickadee, Veery (heard), possible White-Throated Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cowbird (f), Turkey Vulture, Titmouse, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Red-Tailed Hawk, Blue Jay, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (f) and cardinal (m).
So today, I just figured I would see the normal species like I had in the last 2 weeks or so. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Great Egret following the river from the track area heading towards Middle Road Turnpike where it landed a bank of the river.
So I continued to walk along the river area towards the track. A maintenace man was still mowing areas of the lower field so I wasn't sure if he scared anythign away. But I was surprised again to see that he had mowed from the track over the wooden bridge then left towards the field and along the river in the field! This made it easier for me to see what might be around since during those 14 days, I had to walk in tall grass - good thing I had bug spray on those days! But because I did not put any spray on today, I was not planning to go any further than the track field. So glad he mowed! I did see some birds but they weere in the trees being blocked by leaves that I could not tell what they were. So I decided to head back towards the track and then retrace my walk along the rive back towards the soccer field.
And there I saw it - going from the track fence to the ground back to the fence to the ground then to a bush - an Empidonax Flycatcher! But which one?! Since it was not calling and their coloration is very similar to one another at this time of year, I will just put it down as an Empidonax sp. until I can get a good picture of it and some help IDing the bird.
Besides the Great Egret and 'Empi', I alo saw: Catbird (5), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (4), Crow (2), Common Mergansers (9) and Hummingbird.
DATA: 2:25 - 4:38pm; 75F; partly cloudy (cumulus clouds); calm
84) Great Egret
85) Empidonax Flycatcher
Having not seen the chat and to list each day individually would be a bit 'over kill'. So I will list what I have seen and then mention what I saw today!
So from August 3rd to August 17th, I saw the following species:
Robin, Goldfinch (m/f), Phoebe, Crow, Catbird, Kingbird (3), Song Sparrow, Kingfisher, House Wren, Yellow Warbler (m/f), Chickadee, Veery (heard), possible White-Throated Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cowbird (f), Turkey Vulture, Titmouse, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Red-Tailed Hawk, Blue Jay, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (f) and cardinal (m).
So today, I just figured I would see the normal species like I had in the last 2 weeks or so. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Great Egret following the river from the track area heading towards Middle Road Turnpike where it landed a bank of the river.
So I continued to walk along the river area towards the track. A maintenace man was still mowing areas of the lower field so I wasn't sure if he scared anythign away. But I was surprised again to see that he had mowed from the track over the wooden bridge then left towards the field and along the river in the field! This made it easier for me to see what might be around since during those 14 days, I had to walk in tall grass - good thing I had bug spray on those days! But because I did not put any spray on today, I was not planning to go any further than the track field. So glad he mowed! I did see some birds but they weere in the trees being blocked by leaves that I could not tell what they were. So I decided to head back towards the track and then retrace my walk along the rive back towards the soccer field.
And there I saw it - going from the track fence to the ground back to the fence to the ground then to a bush - an Empidonax Flycatcher! But which one?! Since it was not calling and their coloration is very similar to one another at this time of year, I will just put it down as an Empidonax sp. until I can get a good picture of it and some help IDing the bird.
Besides the Great Egret and 'Empi', I alo saw: Catbird (5), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (4), Crow (2), Common Mergansers (9) and Hummingbird.
DATA: 2:25 - 4:38pm; 75F; partly cloudy (cumulus clouds); calm
84) Great Egret
85) Empidonax Flycatcher
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