Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 232 - August 20, 2012

To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Birding is like a box of chocolate - you never know what ya going to see".  And so it has been with me and Nonnewaug High School.  I have been going down there almost every day since I saw that Chat - weather permitting - at different times. 

Having not seen the chat and to list each day individually would be a bit 'over kill'.  So I will list what I have seen and then mention what I saw today!

So from August 3rd to August 17th, I saw the following species:

Robin, Goldfinch (m/f), Phoebe, Crow, Catbird, Kingbird (3), Song Sparrow, Kingfisher, House Wren, Yellow Warbler (m/f), Chickadee, Veery (heard), possible White-Throated Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cowbird (f), Turkey Vulture, Titmouse, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Red-Tailed Hawk, Blue Jay, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (f) and cardinal (m).

So today, I just figured I would see the normal species like I had in the last 2 weeks or so.  But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Great Egret following the river from the track area heading towards Middle Road Turnpike where it landed a bank of the river.

So I continued to walk along the river area towards the track.  A maintenace man was still mowing areas of the lower field so I wasn't sure if he scared anythign away.  But I was surprised again to see that he had mowed from the track over the wooden bridge then left towards the field and along the river in the field!  This made it easier for me to see what might be around since during those 14 days, I had to walk in tall grass - good thing I had bug spray on those days!  But because I did not put any spray on today, I was not planning to go any further than the track field.  So glad he mowed!  I did see some birds but they weere in the trees being blocked by leaves that I could not tell what they were.  So I decided to head back towards the track and then retrace my walk along the rive back towards the soccer field.

And there I saw it - going from the track fence to the ground back to the fence to the ground then to a bush - an Empidonax Flycatcher!  But which one?! Since it was not calling and their coloration is very similar to one another at this time of year, I will just put it down as an Empidonax sp. until I can get a good picture of it and some help IDing the bird.

Besides the Great Egret and 'Empi', I alo saw:  Catbird (5), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (4), Crow (2), Common Mergansers (9) and Hummingbird.

DATA:  2:25 - 4:38pm; 75F; partly cloudy (cumulus clouds); calm

84)  Great Egret
85)  Empidonax Flycatcher

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! And nice add to your Big Year, Love :-)
