Went on a COA (Connecticut Ornithological Association) workshop to Allen's Meadow in Wilton, CT. Even the workshop stressed sparrows, other birds were seen as well.
Since the birds seen today were seen in Wilton, they will not count towards my Big Year.

Species Seen: Sparrows - Song, Savannah, Vesper, Clay-Colored, Swamp, White- Crowned (juv); Pileated Woodpecker (male & female), Cedar Waxwing (20), Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren (2), Blue Jay, Pine Siskin, Crow, Starling (5), Great Blue Heron, Bluebird (5), Junco, Purple Finch, Meadowlark, Turkey Vulture (5), Broad-Winged Hawk, and Palm Warbler.
DATA: 8:00-11:00am; 68F; foggy/sunny; calm
That was a really great day. :-)