Sunday, December 16, 2012

Novemeber 18, 2012 - Day 322 (PART 1)

Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Owl Pellet
Decided to bird Whittemore with the hopes of finding a Red-Breasted Nuthatch and /or Crossbills that I have seen so many reports of.

I decided to start on the WHITE TRAIL clockwise then go to the YELLOW to BLUE to an UNNAMED and finally back onto the WHITE TRAIL.

Pellet Closeup
Second Pellet
It was very quiet at first which was strange to me.  I have been told that the best time to go birding is between 7 and 11 am when the birds are out singing and feeding.  But then I realized that those times are for the warmer summer months when the air heats up quicker due to the sun rising earlier and being higher in the sky.  But being mid-November, it took awhile for the sun to warm things up.  But it did so finally.

Other Side of Feather
Once the air did warm up, I began to hear birds and was soon looking at a few Red-Breasted Nuthatches!  I accomplished half of my goal for the day!

Red-Breasted Nuthatch (on ground)
Species Seen:  Red-Breasted Nuthatch (4), Downy Woodpecker (male), Common Merganser (2 female, 3 immature), Chickadee (heard 1, saw 2), Crow (heard), Titmouse, and White-Breasted Nuthatch.

DATA:  9:35 am-12:48pm; 34/54F; Clear/Partly Cloudy; Slight Breeze

White-Breasted Nuthatch

96)  Red-Breasted Nuthatch

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