Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 42 - February 11, 2012

A few posts ago, I mentioned how when I am out birding in a big enough area I do not have a plan but instead just go where ever I feel like going.  Such is what happened today.

My original plan was to walk the length of South Pomperaug Road today instead of just driving down it.  So I parked the car in New Morning's back area and started to walk towards the complex that Woodbury Ballet is located.  I first walked along the dirt driveway nearest the shrubs down towards the gate for United Water.  I saw a Crow and a Blue Jay and heard a Chickadee and Titmouse.

After looking over the rest of the complex area, I went back onto South Pomperaug Road and headed towards the other end.  I saw more Blue Jays, a Mockingbird and a Cardinal.  but when I came to Pomperaug Road, I decided to walk down it - I never have never driven on Pomperaug Road before so I had no idea what was there.  And as luck would have it, I found out what was there!

About half ways down the road, on the right hand side of Pomperuag Road, is a pond, a wetland area and  a river,  that goes across the street forming a waterfall and continues.  What a great spot this will be in the warmer seasons - water, plants, insects, etc. for birds.  I can hardly wait.

Female Common Merganser
So I walked a little more done the road until I decided to turn around and head back to South Pomperaug Road.  I decided to once more look at the wetland area and saw something swimming and diving into the water - a duck! - for sure,  but not a mallard or another dabbler but a merganser hopefully.  And sure enough, through my binocs I saw a male and female common merganser.  A new bird to add to my Big Year.

The  rest of the walk down South Pomperaug was a pleasant one but with no birds.

 Data time:  11:15am-12:25 pm; 37F with mostly  cloudy skies and a slight breeze now and then.

31) Common Merganser - 1 male ; 1 female

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