Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 210 - July 29, 2012 - PART 2

After birding at Whittemore and stopping home for lunch, I decided to bird the lower field at Nonnewaug High School. 

The high-lite was finding a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT in the dense shrubs by the river.  The bird had a yellow breast and a very obvious, distinct white eye-ring! 

 The other birds I saw/heard were: White-Breasted Nuthatch, Catbird (3), Crow (8), Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, Barn Swallow (20), Phoebe (2), Goldfinch, male/female Bluebirds, Chipping Sparrow (3), male House Sparrow, Turkey Vulture, and Red-Tailed Hawk.

DATA:  2:35 - 4:38 PM; 75F; overcast/sprinkles; most cloudy; slight

82)  Yellow-Breasted Chat

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