Wow! I can't believe it's been 23 days since I last wrote anything on this blog but I have not seen anything new in Woodbury. That is until today.
I know the hot summer months aren't the greatest for birding since males have already staked out territires, attracted a female and nested. Not much for them to do now but to feed the little ones.

But, as always, Nature fooled me again when I went to Flanders Nature Center now for the 3rd time since starting My Big Year.

I started at the Marsh and walked the blue trail down to the Blind that along the Marsh. So for the Marsh, I saw/heard: House Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Wood Pewee (H), Cedar Waxwings (5); Catbird (H), Grackle (3), Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (female), Hermit Thrush, Ovenbird, Titmouse (H), Chipping Sparrow, Common Yellow-throat (H), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (H), Red-Winged Blackbird, Hairy Woodpecker, Tree Swallow (2), Chickadee (2), Field Sparrow (H), Redstart (male).

I next went over to the Sap House area with the thought of checking the evergreens for any owls like I did earlier this year. But when I go to the area, I soon realized that at this time of year, there are plants growing and I did not want to take a chance with any ticks that may be in the tall grass. So I nixed the owls. But I did see a Chickadee with young in a nest, Chipping Sparrow, and a male Bluebird.
Red Admiral Butterfly |
Next it was off to check out the pond in the woods that is accessible via the Botany Trail. Right near the little tree farm I heard/saw 3 Crows. After reaching the Pond, nothing was there, I continued into the woods by taking the trail to the left of the Pond and heard a Red-Eyed Vireo. I circled around the back side of the Pond and then headed back down the Botany Trail (Orange Trail) to the road. And that is when I saw it!
Redstart (not too good) |
I heard a bird singing in the trees and after a little looking, saw a male Scarlet Tanager. The bird was in a tree and the way the tree branches were arranged, the bird was in the sun like being in a spotlight displaying the scarlet red of the body against the dark black of the wings. So I reached for my camera, clicked the shutter button, and NOTHING! It turned out that I had hit the timer button so the shutter would not open for 10 seconds. By the time I realized this, the bird, to quote the Beatles, "had flown' :-(
So I headed down to towards the Marsh and this time went to the left side of it towards the open field. There I saw a male Blue-Winged Warbler.
Finally, when I got back to the lower parking area, I saw a Phoebe.
So all and all, not a bad 2.5 hours of birding. I will enter all my sightings onto eBird tomorrow.
Now for the data...
DATA: 9:30-11:45 am; 75F-80F; sunny; clear; slight breeze
76) Ovenbird
77) Field Sparrow
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