Having not seen the chat and to list each day individually would be a bit 'over kill'. So I will list what I have seen and then mention what I saw today!
So from August 3rd to August 17th, I saw the following species:
Robin, Goldfinch (m/f), Phoebe, Crow, Catbird, Kingbird (3), Song Sparrow, Kingfisher, House Wren, Yellow Warbler (m/f), Chickadee, Veery (heard), possible White-Throated Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cowbird (f), Turkey Vulture, Titmouse, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Red-Tailed Hawk, Blue Jay, Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (f) and cardinal (m).
So today, I just figured I would see the normal species like I had in the last 2 weeks or so. But I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a Great Egret following the river from the track area heading towards Middle Road Turnpike where it landed a bank of the river.
And there I saw it - going from the track fence to the ground back to the fence to the ground then to a bush - an Empidonax Flycatcher! But which one?! Since it was not calling and their coloration is very similar to one another at this time of year, I will just put it down as an Empidonax sp. until I can get a good picture of it and some help IDing the bird.
Besides the Great Egret and 'Empi', I alo saw: Catbird (5), Kingfisher, Goldfinch (4), Crow (2), Common Mergansers (9) and Hummingbird.
DATA: 2:25 - 4:38pm; 75F; partly cloudy (cumulus clouds); calm
84) Great Egret
85) Empidonax Flycatcher