Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 164 - June 13, 2012

I know I haven't been birding lately but it's crunch time - the end of the school year is near and finals will soon be here.  So I have not had much time to bird.  But as any birder will tell you, sometime you just have to look out your window.

But the first thing I saw when I looked out the window was not a bird but instead a Bobcat!  Of course, by the time I got my camera it was gone but I did get some good looks through my binocs.

So with my camera now at my ready, I looked out the window every now and then.  Did not see much of anything until I saw a small bird flying to and from a bluebird box in yard.  So I grab the binocs that were handy and saw that the little brown bird was a House Wren.  And since I had my camera with me in case the bobcat came back, I was able to get a few, not the greatest though, pictures of the house wren.

DATA:  6:58pm; 66F; mostly sunny; calm

75)  House Wren

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 154 - June 3, 2012

Originally, I had planned on being at the Bent of River Audubon for another 'Birding By Ear' walk.  However, I got my times confused and I thought the 7 AM start time was 8 AM.  Oh well, just need to wait until the next one.

So on my way home, I decided to stop at the 'airfield' on Upper Grassy Hill Road.  As I got out of car, I saw a few bobolinks, red-winged blackbirds, grackles, and a song sparrow - the 'regulars'. 

However, I did see something flying around that I had not seen there before this year - a Barn Swallow!

Of course, since I had planned on 'birding by ear', I did not have my camera with me.  You'd think I'd learn by now!

DATA:  8:30-8:45am; 68F; clear; calm

74)  Barn Swallow